Events for this week.
Elkton Charter School
Events for 12/6-12/11
12/6—Flu Shot Clinic 1:30-4:30 Aviva Health
@ Upper High School Parking Lot
12/6 MS Basketball @ home vs. Glide
12/7 HS Basketball @ home vs. Lowell
JV & V 3:00, 4:30, 6:00, 7:30
12/8 MS Boys Bball @ home vs. Yoncalla A team only 4:30
12/10 A.M. Conferences by appt.
12/11 Cybernetic Elks Robotics Competition at South Umpqua H.S.
Get ready for a wonderful Winter Band Concert!
Come join us for our Winter Band Concert. Bundle up and enjoy the music that our students have worked so hard preparing.
December 15, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.
(Students arrive at 6:45 p.m. in Concert Attire)
Friday, December 3rd will be a regular school day. We look forward to seeing all students!
Get ready for a wonderful K-5 Winter Concert
Come join us for our annual grade school concert. Bundle up and enjoy the music that our students have worked so hard preparing.
December 14th, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.
(Students arrive at 6:50 p.m.)
CONGRATULATIONS William Lee! November Cottage Grove Sentinel Student of the Month!
Aviva Health will host a Flu Shot and Childhood Immunization Clinic at the Elkton High School upper parking lot on Monday, December 6th from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm.
Weekly events for 11/29 to 12/4.
School will be in session this Friday, 12/3.
Annual Food Drive
It is time to spread good cheer and fortune—if you have a little to share and
would like to give, we invite you to be a part of our annual food drive.
You may drop off non-perishable donated items at the Elkton Grade School, Elkton High School, Brandborg Winery or Elkton Community Education Center and the Elkton Bible Bap-tist Church.
Monetary donations will be used to purchase hams, turkeys, sacks of potatoes, dinner rolls, and other household items that are much needed and appreciated.
In addition to the above locations, donation collection cans for
monetary contributions can also be found at various local spots such as
Arlene’s Café, Tomaselli’s Bakery, Brandborg Winery,
River’s Edge Winery, ECEC, High School and Grade School Offices, Farm Pickins, Bradley Vineyard, Riverbank Speedy Mart
Donations are distributed to local families. We thank you for your
generosity. Should you have any questions you may contact
Melissa Whitley at 541-584-2228 ext 200
The long distance service as well as cell phone service is out in the local area. This may affect calls in and out of the District. If you are trying to reach the school offices with no luck, please try email. To reach the Elkton Grade School office email for the Elkton High School office email
Wednesday, 11/24 early release 1:30 p.m.
No school 11/25 and 11/26 to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday.
Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
Please visit our website for a Bond Construction update from Superintendent Andy Boe. You will also find our new building layout models to view. Photos of progress at the construction site will be added shortly.
Weekly Events 11/22-11/26/21
Weekly Events 11/15-11/20/21
The Elkton High School FFA will not sell Christmas trees this year, however, they will have ornaments for sale at the ECEC and the local wineries.
Thank you for your support.
K-5 Wrestling Sign Ups!
Elkton School District events for 11/5-11/13.
Congratulations to Jasmine Whiteman. Jasmine is our October Cottage Grove Sentinel Student of the Month. Way To Go Jasmine!
Middle & High Student
Halloween Costume Expectations
In an effort to enjoy and celebrate Halloween at Elkton School District appropriately, respectfully, and in accordance with school rules, we ask that students use the following guidelines when selecting a costume:
1. Masks and/or head coverings cannot conceal identity completely (except during costume contest parade). Staff members must be able to identify students.
2. Costumes that are provocative, revealing, sexual in nature, or employ questionable props are not permitted.
3. Costumes that depict violence, alcohol, or drugs are not permitted. Fake weapons are not allowed.
4. Costumes that could be offensive or perpetuate a stereotype of someone’s culture, gender, heritage, or religion are not permitted.
5. Costumes should not hinder your ability to participate in your classes. Costumes may not disrupt or impede traffic, or present issues of safety in the hallway.
Students wearing questionable costumes will be asked to change into normal school attire and issued school consequences. If you have any questions regarding the appropriateness of your costume idea, we encourage you to speak with Ms. Rose or Mr. Boe.
Talking points for teachers and parents to assist in this teachable moment…
· Remind students of their audience in the building (students, teachers, parents, community members).
· This is a school—what may be appropriate in pop culture or the media may not be appropriate for a place of learning.
· We are a community, and we want students to think about how their costume choice may impact others within this community.
Thank you for taking the time to help our students understand these guidelines.
The Douglas County Tiger Team COVID Vaccine Outreach will hold a vaccination clinic in the top parking lot of the Elkton High School on 10/22/21 from 1:30 p.m. -5:30 p.m. They will also be at the Scottsburg Fire Station 10/22/21 from 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
GOOD LUCK to our FFA Floriculture team as they leave this Saturday to complete at the FFA National Conference in Indianapolis. We are proud of you!